The Hammond and Wheatley story began in 1900 when the namesakes opened a small general store. Their retail empire took off nine years later when they expanded their premises to become the Commercial Emporium. The ‘mammoth trading palace’ was modelled on a city department store and sold almost everything.
Soon after opening their new premises, the store advertised its service and value: ‘Bring your household requirements whether great or small to the house of true economy – The Commercial Emporium. They will be attended to promptly, satisfactorily, and economically. The quality will delight you! The promptitude will please you! The savings will surprise you!’
At the rear of the building was the two-storey bulk store, and packing and forwarding departments. It was here that all the goods coming in and deliveries going out were handled and supervised. The store employed six vehicles and twenty horses at the time. There was even a cover extending from the main building over the right of way for vehicles, enabling carts to be unloaded in wet weather without inconvenience.